Everything that an obligated subject needs to know and apply

What is eIDAS?
eIDAS or electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services is the Regulation of the European Union for electronic transactions in the internal market ( Regulation No. 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 23, 2014 ).
This law seeks to create a “single digital market” for citizens, companies or public administrations by facilitating electronic interactions within the EU. To put it another way, it allows you to digitize any business process.
Regulates the following aspects in electronic transactions:
Services we offer
NeoCheck offers a global service that meets the highest requirements of the eIDAS Regulation. Our goal is your peace of mind.
Our strong network of partners and our certifications guarantee the qualification compliance of trusted electronic services, issuing qualified time stamps, digital signature and electronic invoices. We provide legal security, guarantee of neutrality and responsibility.
This, together with our Onboarding KYC services , with integrated biometric systems ensure the identity of an individual with the highest security standards. The most innovative technology with an artificial intelligence engine (deep learning) to guarantee Liveness Detection at the service of your company.
Find out about our Signature SDK with API REST or the rest of our biometric solutions with the maximum security guarantees. Our goal is your peace of mind.
Find out what can we do for you
In NeoCheck® we strive to satisfy all the needs of our customers in terms of Document Verification and Biometric Identification. From web-based solutions, mobile applications to specialized components (we have our own research and development team). And of course, we try to deploy the most advanced and flexible technology at affordable prices, as well as providing them with the best support. Therefore, we regularly organize online courses and workshops related to the world we know best: Document and ID Verification.